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ACE II Road Bike Helmet: A Lightweight and Durable Option for Cyclists

April 12, 2024

If you’re an avid cyclist, you know that safety is paramount when it comes to enjoying your ride. One of the most important pieces of equipment to invest in is a high-quality bike helmet. The ACE II Road Bike Helmet is a popular option that offers a range of features and benefits to keep you safe and comfortable on the road.

A sleek ACE II Road Bike Helmet sits atop a clean, white surface, with its aerodynamic design and vibrant colors catching the light

The ACE II helmet is designed to meet both CPSC Bike and CE.EN1078 safety standards, ensuring that you’re well-protected in the event of an impact. It features a low and high-speed impact-tuned EPS construction and a toughened polycarbonate shell that can withstand a variety of impacts. Additionally, the helmet is highly adjustable, making it suitable for head circumferences from 22 to 24.5 inches thanks to the RTS Fit System.

Key Takeaways

  • The ACE II Road Bike Helmet is a high-quality option for cyclists looking for safety and protection on the road.
  • The helmet is designed to meet both CPSC Bike and CE.EN1078 safety standards, with a low and high-speed impact-tuned EPS construction and a toughened polycarbonate shell.
  • The helmet is highly adjustable, making it suitable for a range of head circumferences thanks to the RTS Fit System.

Key Features

A sleek, aerodynamic road bike helmet with ventilation, adjustable straps, and a visor, in a vibrant color scheme, on a clean, modern display stand

When it comes to road biking, safety is a top priority. The ACE II Road Bike Helmet has been designed with several key features to ensure your safety while also providing comfort and style. Let’s take a closer look at some of the features that make this helmet stand out.

Aerodynamic Design

The ACE II Road Bike Helmet has a sleek and aerodynamic design that not only looks great but also helps to reduce wind resistance. This design allows you to ride faster and more efficiently while also keeping you cool and comfortable. The helmet’s droplet shape offers an extremely low aerodynamic drag coefficient, which means you can cut through the air with ease.

Ventilation System

One of the standout features of the ACE II Road Bike Helmet is its ventilation system. The helmet utilizes the Venturi Effect via an air channeling system that pulls in cool air from the top and pushes heat out through the rear exhaust system. This system keeps you cool and comfortable during even the most intense rides. With 14 vents strategically placed throughout the helmet, you can be sure that you’ll stay cool and dry no matter how long you ride.

Adjustment Mechanism

The ACE II Road Bike Helmet features a micro-dial adjustment mechanism that allows you to easily adjust the fit of the helmet to your head. The mechanism is located at the back of the helmet and can be easily adjusted with one hand while riding. This ensures a secure and comfortable fit that won’t slip or move around while you ride. The helmet also features high-performance pads that provide extra comfort and support, making it perfect for long rides.

Overall, the ACE II Road Bike Helmet is a great choice for anyone looking for a helmet that offers both style and safety. With its aerodynamic design, ventilation system, and easy-to-use adjustment mechanism, you can be sure that you’ll stay comfortable and protected while you ride.

Safety and Protection

A cyclist wearing a Safety and Protection ACE II Road Bike Helmet, riding on a smooth road with trees and mountains in the background

When it comes to road bike helmets, safety and protection are the most important factors to consider. The Base Camp ACE II Road Bike Helmet is designed with both of these factors in mind.

Impact Resistance

The ACE II helmet features an EPS construction that is impact-tuned for both low and high-speed impacts. This means that it can protect your head in the event of a crash, whether you’re riding at a slow pace or a high speed. Additionally, the toughened polycarbonate shell provides an extra layer of protection against impact.

Strap Comfort and Security

The straps on the ACE II helmet are designed for both comfort and security. They are fully adjustable, so you can find the perfect fit for your head. The RTS Fit System ensures that the helmet stays securely in place while you’re riding, so you don’t have to worry about it slipping or moving around.

The straps are also designed to be comfortable against your skin. They are made from a soft, breathable material that won’t cause irritation or discomfort, even on long rides. The chin strap is padded for extra comfort, and it features a quick-release buckle that makes it easy to put on and take off the helmet.

Overall, the Base Camp ACE II Road Bike Helmet is designed to provide maximum safety and protection while also being comfortable to wear. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or just starting out, this helmet is a great choice for anyone looking for a reliable and comfortable helmet.

Materials and Construction

Shell Materials

The Base Camp ACE II Road Bike Helmet is constructed with a toughened polycarbonate shell, which is designed to withstand low and high-speed impacts. The shell is also lightweight, making it comfortable to wear during long rides. The helmet complies with the CPSC Bike and CE.EN1078 safety standards, ensuring that it provides adequate protection to your head in the event of a crash.

Inner Lining

The helmet’s inner lining is made of EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) foam, which provides cushioning and shock absorption. This material is commonly used in bike helmets because it is lightweight and cost-effective. The EPS foam lining is also impact-tuned, which means it is designed to absorb the force of an impact and protect your head from injury.

In addition to the EPS foam, the Base Camp ACE II Road Bike Helmet features a high-performance pad that provides additional comfort and moisture-wicking properties. The pad is removable and washable, making it easy to keep your helmet clean and fresh.

Overall, the materials and construction of the Base Camp ACE II Road Bike Helmet make it a reliable and safe choice for cyclists of all levels. With its lightweight design, impact-tuned EPS foam, and tough polycarbonate shell, you can ride with confidence knowing that your head is protected.

Sizing and Fit

When it comes to choosing the right size for your ACE II Road Bike Helmet, it’s important to measure your head correctly. The helmet should fit snugly on your head without being too tight or too loose. In this section, we will discuss the size chart and how to measure your head properly.

Size Chart

The ACE II Road Bike Helmet is available in one size that fits most standard adult head circumferences from 22 to 24.5 inches. The helmet features the RTS Fit System that allows for easy and quick adjustment to ensure a perfect fit. The helmet is also lightweight, making it comfortable to wear for extended periods.

How to Measure Your Head

To measure your head, use a soft tape measure and wrap it around the widest part of your head, just above your eyebrows and ears. Make sure the tape measure is level and not too tight or too loose. Take note of the measurement in inches and refer to the size chart to determine the appropriate helmet size.

It’s important to note that different brands and models of helmets may have slightly different sizing charts. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to measure your head before purchasing a helmet, even if you have purchased a helmet before.

In conclusion, choosing the right size for your ACE II Road Bike Helmet is crucial for your safety and comfort while cycling. Make sure to measure your head properly and refer to the size chart to ensure a perfect fit.

User Experience

Comfort Review

The ACE II Road Bike Helmet is designed to provide maximum comfort to riders. The helmet is lightweight and has a well-ventilated design that allows air to flow freely, keeping your head cool and dry during long rides. The helmet also features an adjustable strap that ensures a snug fit, preventing it from slipping or moving around during the ride. The padding inside the helmet is soft and comfortable, providing a cushioned feel against your head. You can wear the helmet for hours without feeling any discomfort or pressure.

Durability Feedback

The ACE II Road Bike Helmet is made with high-quality materials that make it durable and long-lasting. The helmet is designed to withstand impact and protect your head in case of a fall or accident. The outer shell of the helmet is made of hard polycarbonate material that can withstand high impact. The inner shell is made of EPS foam that absorbs shock and reduces the impact on your head. The helmet is also scratch-resistant, so it looks new even after several uses.

Users have reported that the helmet is very durable and can withstand rough use. The helmet is also easy to clean and maintain, making it a great investment for any rider. The helmet comes in various colors and sizes, so you can choose the one that fits your style and head size. Overall, the ACE II Road Bike Helmet is a great choice for any rider looking for a comfortable and durable helmet.

Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance and care of your ACE II Road Bike Helmet can help extend its lifespan and ensure it provides optimum safety during use. Here are some cleaning and storage tips to keep your helmet in good condition.

Cleaning Instructions

Cleaning your helmet regularly is important to maintain its integrity and safety. To clean the outside of your helmet, use a soft sponge or microfiber cloth and soapy water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the helmet’s surface.

To clean the inside of your helmet, remove the padding and wash it gently with mild soap and water. Allow the padding to air dry completely before reinserting it into the helmet.

It is important to check the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific helmet before cleaning it to ensure you do not damage any of the components.

Storage Tips

Proper storage of your helmet can also help prolong its lifespan. Store your helmet in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Avoid storing your helmet in a damp or humid environment, as this can cause mold and mildew to grow.

When transporting your helmet, use a protective bag or case to prevent scratches and damage. Avoid leaving your helmet in the car for extended periods, as the heat can cause the helmet to degrade and lose its protective properties.

By following these simple maintenance and care tips, you can help ensure your ACE II Road Bike Helmet stays in top condition and provides the protection you need while cycling.

Accessories and Customization

When it comes to personalizing your ACE II Road Bike Helmet, there are a variety of accessories and customization options available to you. Here are some of the most popular ways to make your helmet stand out:

Visors and Pads

One of the most common ways to customize your helmet is by adding a visor or changing the pads. Visors can help keep the sun out of your eyes and protect your face from debris while you’re riding. They come in a variety of colors and styles, so you’re sure to find one that matches your personal taste. Pads are another option for customizing your helmet. They can help improve the fit of your helmet and make it more comfortable to wear.

Decals and Stickers

Another popular way to customize your ACE II Road Bike Helmet is by adding decals or stickers. These can be a great way to show off your personality or support for your favorite sports team or cause. You can find a wide range of decals and stickers online or at your local bike shop. Just make sure to clean the surface of your helmet before applying them to ensure they stick properly.

Overall, there are many different ways to customize your ACE II Road Bike Helmet to make it your own. Whether you choose to add a visor, change the pads, or add some decals, you’re sure to turn heads while you’re out on the road. Just remember to always prioritize safety over style and make sure your helmet is properly fitted and certified before you hit the road.

Price and Value

Cost Comparison

When considering the price of the ACE II Road Bike Helmet, it’s essential to compare the cost with the features and quality it offers. You can find the helmet available at various retailers, and it’s worth comparing prices to ensure you’re getting the best deal. Keep in mind that the cost may vary based on the retailer, promotions, and any additional features included in the purchase.

Warranty Information

Understanding the warranty for the ACE II Road Bike Helmet is crucial for ensuring the value of your investment. The warranty details can provide you with peace of mind, knowing that you’re covered in case of any manufacturing defects or issues with the helmet. Be sure to review the warranty information provided by the manufacturer to make an informed decision about your purchase.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the ACE II Road Bike Helmet:

What is the weight of the ACE II Road Bike Helmet?

The ACE II Road Bike Helmet is designed to be ultralight and strong. It has a low and high-speed impact-tuned EPS construction and a toughened polycarbonate shell. The helmet weighs only 0.61 pounds, which makes it one of the lightest helmets in its class.

What is the head circumference range for the ACE II Road Bike Helmet?

The ACE II Road Bike Helmet is highly adjustable and suitable for head circumference from 22 to 24.5 inches. Thanks to the RTS Fit System, the helmet fits most standard adult sizes.

Is the ACE II Road Bike Helmets safe?

Yes, the ACE II Road Bike Helmets is safe. It complies with the CPSC Bike and CE.EN1078 safety standards. The helmet is designed to protect your head from low and high-speed impacts. It is also equipped with a rear light that enhances your visibility during low-light conditions.

Is the ACE II Road Bike Helmets suitable for all types of cyclists?

Yes, the ACE II Road Bike Helmets is suitable for all types of cyclists. Whether you are a beginner or a professional cyclist, the helmet is designed to provide you with maximum comfort, ventilation, and aerodynamics. It is also available in a wide range of colors to match your kit.

How do I clean my ACE II Road Bike Helmets?

To clean your ACE II Road Bike Helmets, use a soft cloth and mild soap. Do not use abrasive or chemical cleaners, as they can damage the helmet’s shell and EPS foam. After cleaning, rinse the helmet thoroughly with water and let it air dry.

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